
The New Yorker really likes Dustin Guy Defa’s Person to Person

“Defa’s eye is imaginatively curious—the woman, on Bene’s fire escape, gets a point-of-view shot, of treetops and wires, that evokes volumes in a glance—and as the light fades and the workday runs out, he seems to capture something vital and ironic about time itself.”

See? High praise for Dustin Guy Defa’s Person to Person. New Yorker film critic Richard Brody not only wrote that very favorable review of the Arts+Labor co-production (giving it 5 out of 5 pizza slices), but he also singles out the short in his option piece, “Does the Cinema Need Short Films?” (spoiler alert: yes).

Person to Person screened as part of New Directors/New Films, a showcase of fresh filmmakers co-presented by the Museum of Modern Art and the Film Society of Lincoln Center. If you’re in New York City next week, Person to Person will be screening along with Joel Potrykus’s Buzzard. Also, say hi to my friend Kevin. it’s a small town so you’ll probably bump into him.